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How to Have Self-Control With Your Spending?

What item can you justify buying even when you don't need it?

Is it Diet Coke, eating out, new clothes or shoes, pet toys, seasonal decor? We all have something that peaks our interest and commands us to purchase it no matter the cost.

This week I want us to focus on the importance of discipline and self-control when it comes to our money. Self-control is a fruit of the Spirit, but do we really see this fruit in our spending?

I think a BIG misconception in the American church is that money management is viewed completely separate from faith. We've concluded that as long as we attend church, tithe, try not to sin too much, and pray occasionally, then we're being good Christians. But is this really true? Or have we ignorantly diluted the Scriptures, only applying what we want to apply and ignoring the rest of the book?

Proverbs 21:20 says,

"In wisdom's house you'll find delightful treasures and the oil of the Holy Spirit, but the fool spends whatever he gets."

Proverbs is an excellent book to learn about many topics in life. Solomon consistently compares the wise vs. the foolish, showing us how we should live every part of our lives.

It's very important for us to understand HOW the Holy Spirit operates so we can know and analyze if that's how He's functioning in our everyday lives. Isaiah defines the Spirit of the Lord (Holy Spirit)'s qualities:

"The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him,

The Spirit of WISDOM and understanding,

The Spirit of counsel and might,

The Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord."

These two verses in Isaiah and Proverbs show us that we obtain wisdom through the Holy Spirit, which prevents us from operating like fools who spend whatever they get. Can we say this is true in our lives today?

Once we believe in Jesus, our question should no longer be "Am I saved?" but "Are the fruits (self-control) and character (wisdom) of the Holy Spirit evident in my life (including your finances). True salvation is a complete cleansing of your whole self and should pour into every area of your life- not just your faith category.

If the fruits and character of the Holy Spirit are not evident in our lives, then we might need to ask ourselves two questions:

  1. Have I completely laid down my flesh and selfish desires and choosing to walk by the Spirit? (Galatians 516)

  2. Am I really saved? (Have I made Jesus Lord over my life, or do I mentally believe in God but physcially live like a non-Christian?)

Walking in the Spirit does not mean we live sinless or perfect, but that our lives will show the fruits of our God's character and nature rather than the fruits of the world.

Here is a list of items people have admitted to justify purchases even when they don't need it and practical ways to help you effectively solve these temptations:

Female, Age 31 - House and car repairs

They're needs right? To an extent yes, but if you do not have the cash to repair the issues, I highly recommend getting creative on how you can be proactive in these situations.

Creative ideas for car repairs:

  • Carpool - ask a spouse, friend, or coworker to give you a lift

  • Uber/Public transportation

  • Work Extra Side Gigs - if you don't have the money to pay for the repair, working extra can help you pay for it in cash so you don't go into debt

Bottom line: you don't have to make a decision as soon as something goes wrong. Get some sleep, pray, strategically think about ways you can be wise in their situations.

Male, Age 23; Male Age 48; Female, Age 68 - Eating out/food

On Average, eating at home costs $15/per day/person; whereas, eating out costs you $30/ per day/person. That's $15/day you could save towards your financial goals or other expenses.

Creative ways to cook at home:

  • Meal Prep - take one day to cook meals for the upcoming week

  • Cook extra for lunch the next day - Briston and I do a lot. When we cook dinner, we cook extra, that way we have lunch for tomorrow and aren't tempted to go spend money.

  • Cook easy, quick meals - Find easy quick meals online that take a little to no hassle.

Female, Aged 40 - New Clothes and books

Okay ladies, we know you see that item and just have to buy it, but honestly you have ENOUGH clothes and PLENTY of shoes. Buying a few items every couple of years is good, but this should also mean you're exchanging old items for the new ones.

Creative ways to stop buying clothes:

  • Do a No Spend Month/Year - this is when you challenge yourself to not spend ANY money on a particular item for a period of time

  • Delete shopping apps

  • Avoid the shops

  • Take at least 48 hours to think about the purchase BEFORE you buy the item

Having an item that is constantly justified to buy is not a bad thing. What is bad is not being able to control when you want to purchase that item or not. The key is developing an intimate relationship with God, allowing His Holy Spirit to filter how we act in all areas of our lives.


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